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Posts Tagged ‘Infographic’

Air Travel: Then and Now [INFOTOON]

More than 84 million Americans are expected to travel over the holidays this year, and 42 percent plan to fly to their destination. I’m sure you’ve noticed, as I have, how travel, particularly air travel, has undoubtedly transformed over the past several decades. So, we decided to poke fun at some of the most obvious changes in our latest infotoon about air travel, then and now. Feel free to share it with friends and family this holiday season!

What changes have you seen in air travel that make you reminisce about how it ‘used to be’? I’d love to hear your thoughts in a comment below.

“Air Travel: Then and Now” by Dave Blazek is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at


From the Mayflower through the Millennium: What 600 years of travel looks like

If there’s one thing I know from my 30 years of travel experience, it’s that the industry is always changing. My job today is much different from when I started my company, particularly with the advent of the internet. But my three decades of globe-trotting is just a small piece of the picture representing the centuries of travel achievements, milestones, and innovations that have come before me. 
To illustrate the point, we’ve created an infographic depicting some of the major developments and trends in the travel industry over the past 600 years.
What do you think will be the next milestone in the travel industry?

What the 5 most annoying airline passengers look like

Last week I described the five most annoying passengers to sit next to on a flight. I just couldn’t get enough of these irritating neighbors. So today I’m showing you what they look like. Enjoy! And please, copy the permalink to share with friends.

(Click to enlarge)
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