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Italy’s history: Modern pictures of the past

Ciao a tutti! Italy is a destination for all travelers and is filled with some of the most interesting history, culture, and art in the world. It’s the home of the gladiators in ancient Roman times, the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance, and driver of the Age of Discovery.

And with all that history, there are more than a few sites that tell the stories of people long ago and give a glimpse into what their lives were like. So we put together this photo essay to show you some of the most important sites from Italy’s history.

First, a look at historical Rome.

This is the beautiful Colosseum in Rome, the largest amphitheater built in the Roman empire. It was the spot of gladiator fights, dramas, and re-enactments of famous battles.

The inside of the Colosseum. It was completed in A.D. 80, and could sit over 50,000 people.

The skyline in Rome is breathtaking, as the red brick architecture so widely used here makes it famous.

On to Florence, famous for its art, architecture, and heritage! The Piazza della Signoria is one of the most famous squares in the world and the cultural hub of this city.

The city is beautiful at night. Here is Giotto’s Campanile, which sits near the Florence Cathedral. It has seven bells, and took over 20 years to be built.

A bridge over the Arno River, the Ponte Vecchio in Florence has shops built on the bridge. It was built during Roman times, but now houses shops with jewelry, art, and souvenirs.

For more information on this beautiful country, see some of the posts we’ve done on Italy in the past. Do you have any pictures of Italy? Share them here or on our Facebook page.

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